Web development
for Upace

Provide personalized guidance to students with hand crafted platform that is essential for success in college admissions. With guidance, students can achieve their goals with ease.
Web designing / Web development
Putting together a solid college list can be tough. From understanding students realistic chances to finding schools where students will be happy and can achieve your dreams-all while balancing how to pay for college-you'll find their sifting through countless school rankings lists.
School list builder helps you understand students real changes at over 600 schools. It also takes in your preferences and goals to recommend the best-fit colleges for you-some that you may never have even considered!

App Screens
On Mobile

Tailored University Matches.

UPace provides a personalized approach to identify the perfect universities based on student preferences and goals.

Comprehensive Educational Hub.

UPace serves as a one-stop destination, offering course structures to scholarship opportunities, all under a single roof.

Application Mastery.

UPace guides student through each step, helping them avoid common pitfalls and increasing their chances of acceptance.

Helping student to fulfill their dreams

Features that support students.

University suggestions.

1000+ Courses.

Branding intern program.

Referral system.

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transformation project?

Your dream, our mission!